what art? 1 questions

1.) the mood of these images seem stressed the expressions on both of the women's faces are that they are in some way stressed. the first ladies posture is very formal but the second lady is leaning her head back and seems anxious.
2.) I think these images were created using some type of pastel or oil based art product.
3.) the role that color plays in these two images is really based on the background they both have these bright red backgrounds which makes the blue clothing and headband stand out in the first photo and in the second photo the red makes all the shading done that is on her body and face stand out.
4.) I think that the artist intended to convey  that these women are in some type of issue or under a certain amount of stress, i think the response he/she was intending to portray was that someone can relate to them, i do think that his effort was succesful


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