moby and the void pacific choir questions

1. the general premise of the video is that how we are living it will fail us. we are basically being hypnotized by our phones and the internet, and almost everything you see online.

2. Yes, it is very effective in conveying this message due to the one kid not having a phone or just not being on one and being surrounded by people who are obsessed with a phone and aren't paying attention to anything not even someones well being.

3. It's a little bit of both a cautionary story and a examination, since almost everything we do is based on our phones how we make plans, communicate, and just in general what we do in our free time, that is the examination part of it, but the warning is have us overly obsess over your phone and just have no filter and everything that you see that should be shocking is normal to you due to being on your phone and seeing almost everything.


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