semester 1 reflection

The quality of my work i felt was very minimal, the effort i put in my work wasn't much. i participated to my full extent. i feel that i improved a lot throughout the first semester. i adjusted to this class and taking pictures very easily.

~my actual images i feel that some of them didn't capture the topic very well.
~ the quality of my subject matter was as good as possible
~i fulfilled every assignment to my fullest extent
~it was a little hard for me to pay attention to the objective because you have all of these ideas going through your head.
~i did well with using the proper format and resolution
~completing my work on time was little tough
~going beyond my first ideas was also tough since you can only focus on this one idea
 ~ i was actively taking photos
~most of the time i do look for the most convenient subject,location, and solution
~ i do not put much effort and planning into taking photos
~most of the time i do shoot more than required
~ no i do not avoid difficult ideas
~no, i will only give up if it doesn't come out after multiple shots
~ i do not take many risks
~yes, because they do put a lot of effort in something that they think is good
~sometimes i do unless i know i could have done better


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