photograph your fears


  1. I think it shows to fall off a bar or injure yourself. The picture does not clearly represent it and it could be more explicit.

  2. 1. I think your fear associated with the picture you took is something along the lines of failing in gymnastics or not working hard enough to get a scholarship.
    2. I think with what your fear is that your photo was pretty straightforward with portraying your fear. I don't think you really had a lot of other options since your fear is geared towards gymnastics specifically, but overall I think it was successful.
    3. I really like how you captured an action shot and not just you pretending to do the motion.
    4. I feel like you could've made the title of your fear be located in a different spot. I understand that you wanted to make it easier to see but you also could've made it a little bit more hidden.

  3. 1) the fear of failing
    2) the fear was conveyed well and i like the fact that it seems like you make it or tip over
    3) i like the way that your seem to be holding on for dear life because it shows that you will not give up easy
    4) the photo dose not feel very negative


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